This week’s blog was going to be about the wedding that I drove last Saturday. However when I looked over the first draft I realised that it didn’t make compulsive reading.
Certainly the tale of the young lady who appeared in a doorway topless except for a small t-shirt held in front of her would please some readers. Others may be interested in the antics of the somewhat eccentric lady tottering about on bright red stiletto shoes quaffing champagne and becoming increasingly animated as each minute passed.
But really are they stories for this place?
More worthy of comment I feel is the appalling lack of service that one gets in the UK at the moment.
I rant, I sometimes wish that I didn’t, but I do. I feel the injustice when I am given shoddy service by people who should know better.
I am fed up with being told by a salesperson or supplier that they’ll get back to me and knowing that the chances of it really happening are perilously close to zero.
A friend of mine is trying to buy a house. We all know that it is supposed to be one of the most stressful things that one can undertake. So why then, does she have to be the one chasing up estate agents? Why is her vendor’s estate agent so seemingly incompetent that she has to explain to him how to handle the problems?
Daily we are told of the Global Economic Downturn. Thousands of people are being put out of work or under the threat of redundancy. Yet some of those who are fortunate enough to be in gainful employment are so disrespectful to their peers that they cannot be bothered to do their job even to a moderately good standard.
It’s easy to grumble and let’s face it we all enjoy a good old moan from time to time. I have decided though that now I must change my tack. No longer will I complain to an organisation for shoddy service. If they cannot see that their lack of professionalism is damaging to them they deserve to fail. Why should I try to stop them?
What I will do, however, is to praise those who do provide exactly the service that they claim. This way I hope that in time their good name and reputation will make an impact.
Rant over…
Rant's can be good thing, a way to ease some of that stress and tension. As for this rant, it was entertaining, the beginning pulled me in like a moth to a flame and toward the end I was shaking my head in agreement.